£12 for a minimum of 45 minutes (this does not include pickup/drop time).

Group walks are limited to a maximum of four dogs and are a lot of fun. Locations are changed as often as possible, and offer your dog an opportunity to meet new four-legged friends. Through exercise, stimulation and interaction, group walks help avoid isolation and your dog becomes more adjusted, social, relaxed and happier.

Control varies between on and off leash, dependent on owners permission, the location, and your dog’s recall response. All dogs are towelled off if wet or dirty after their walk and fed and watered as required. They also get the odd homemade treat if allowed!


Dexter_And_FriendsMy own dog Dexter, a.k.a., Captain Plod! often accompanies me on our walks. Dexter is a Rottweiler and he has been with me since he was a puppy. He is calm, confident, well-trained, and loves all his doggie friends, no matter what size or breed.

Before taking your dog on a group walk I will talk to you about how well socialised your dog currently is, and what their behaviour with other dogs is like. If necessary I may recommend one-to-one walks to start with, and dependent on progress offer the opportunity for group walks at a later stage.

Discounts are available for multiple dog households and regular clients, and after having interaction and fun with the other dogs, your dog will come home content and happy.